Appfuscator — smart .NET obfuscator. It provides a really complex approach to protection of your applications.
Access according to SaaS model enables you not to spend money on purchase of expensive obfuscators and pay for performed work only.
Automatic recognition of WPF-binding, reflection and other complex cases which minimizes the whole work on adjustment.
Appfuscator is smart protection of your .NET applications. Our .NET obfuscator combines a complex approach to protection, easy adjustment and access according to SaaS model which enables to decrease the expenses on your intellectual property protection.
We applied the following principle in the process of development: "The user should never put his/her mind to the tasks which may be solved by the program for him/her".
Therefore our .NET obfuscation core includes an intellectual algorithm of processing of such complex cases as binding in WPF or exclusion of the types used as CustomMarshaler by name and other similar cases.