Why should be the programs written on .NET platform obfuscated?

The programs compiled by the majority of native compilators are quite complicated for analyzing and reverse engineering. But compilators for .NET generate executable files with a great amount of additional information which may help violators to decompilate the program and obtain a source code which is very close to the original one. Applications undergo an obfuscation procedure in order to protect them from similar attacks.

How does Appfuscator protect an application?

Appfuscator uses a lot of various protection mechanisms at the same time. Each of these mechanisms protects an application from a specific type of an attack. There are some of them:

  • External call hiding
  • String encryption
  • Execution flow obfuscation
  • Decomposition of classes into separate members and transfer of these data into other classes

Renaming of types and their members into names which do not have any useful meaning.

We would like to note separately that the function of automatic detection of the capability to use this or that obfuscation mechanism for certain parts of assembly has the primary importance in AppFuscator. This enables to minimize the configuration.

Does AppFuscator support obfuscation of projects with several assemblies?

Yes, it does. Obfuscation parameters may be set up individually for each assembly. Moreover, AppFuscator is capable of integrating dynamic-link libraries (DLL) with the main project assembly for many assemblies. Integration of assemblies affects the quality of application protection well.

I did not receive an email with an activation link. What should I do?

An email is received by a recipient almost in 100% of cases, that is why you should make three simple steps in order to get access to your account:

  1. Check “Spam” folder.
  2. Ask for the activation link once again
  3. Contact the Administration
How can I pay?

Now you can choose one of the following ways of payment:

  • WebMoney (money enters instantly)
  • PayPal
  • Robokassa
  • Bank transfer (a receipt will be given to you, and you may pay it in any bank. Money will enter in 1-2 business days after the payment is effected).
Is it safe? Can third parties obtain my know-how?

We take all necessary safety steps and guarantee that the data transmitted by you to our server will never be used by anybody or disclosed to third parties.

We are a legal entity and ready to provide you with all necessary documents such as the Agreement for Use of our service and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). We also offer individual consultations and assistance on the issues of your software protection. 

How can I contact the Technical Support Service?

You can send an email to the address: info@appfuscator.com or call: +7(343)290-84-76 and will get a consultation on all your questions. 

What does a message “Can't resolve reflection...” mean?

This message is not an error. It is a warning notice that an obfuscator could not recognize some calls to the reflection mechanism, and therefore there is a risk that a corresponding code will not work correctly. It is recommended to check program work attentively and to use [ObfuscationAttribute] (if needed).

How can I exclude a code from obfuscation?

Add a special attribute [ObfuscationAttribute] to the class, method or field which you want to exclude from obfuscation.

How to read watermark from obfuscated application?

Download and install AppFuscator client on the link http://appfuscator.com/process. Do the following steps.

0. Obfuscated application must be launched at the time of watermark reading.

1. Start AppFuscator client. Press top left button starting Watermark Reader.

2. Choose your obfuscated application in the list of working processes.

3. Enter password which you used to encode watermark.

4. Press "Read process watermark" button and Watermark reader will read hidden watermarks from the process memory.

The text of the hidden watermark message appears in the "Message" column. "Count" column contains the number of found messages with the given text.